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    The Hawick Paper

    Act 1 ‘pull out stops’ at Burns supper

    Friday, February 14th, 2020
    Noda junior award winners, back row from left: Emily Hogg, Niamh Dickson, Alicja Blaszczyk, Marley Domingo, Louisa Goldie and Jenny Alkhoury. Middle row: director/choreographer Rachel Inglis, Joseph Wear, Natalie Darcy, Marli Kiore, Eilidh Garden, Ciara Johnson, Niamh Scott and director Deborah Lyons. Front: Jessica Scott, Carla Porter, Mairi Johnston, Hope Stewart and Kia Goldie. PICTURE: ILF IMAGING

    “All the kids worked really hard, I am very proud of them” was how ACT 1 Youth Theatre director Deborah Lyons summed up the group’s third annual Burns supper in the Catholic church hall last Tuesday night.

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